Swedish Massage
This classic massage treatment uses a combination of techniques to improve your well being.
Swedish massage forms the back bone of most massage treatments that use a massage table and oils. The treatment can be adapted with ease to suit the requirements of the body.
The typical Swedish massage uses a combination of techniques known as Effleurage, Petrissage, Vibrations, Friction and Tapotement. A Therapist will naturally use these methods with a variety of repetitions and variable pressures to tailor the Swedish massage treatment for your body’s requirements.
Effleurage serves a number of purposes. It is generally used to promote relaxation of the client and allows the therapist to apply oil and feel for specific area of tension that may direct the focal points of the treatment. Effleurage usually consists of long gliding sweeping strokes applied to the skin which promotes warmth and encourages the relaxation of the client’s muscles.
Petrissage can be described as kneading. It is comparable to a baker manipulating dough to activate the yeast and produce light fluffy bread. The therapist will roll and squeeze muscles with changes in speed and pressure to stimulate nerve endings, increase circulation, release toxins and promote cell repair.
Vibrations are used in treatments to shake and vibrate the body. These movements are performed at various speeds and facilitate the easing of muscles tension in the specific areas of the body. Imagine wibbly-wobbly Jelly on a plate and it automatically promotes joy and relaxation.
Frictions are the rubbing back and forth of muscles which store large amounts of tension (typically where people say ouch). A good therapist will intuitively apply appropriate pressure to penetrate deep into the muscle without causing too much pain BUT this part of the treatment normally requires good communication between the client and therapist to achieve satisfying results.
Tapotement is the part of massage which involves light to medium pummelling, pounding, tapping and stroking of the body in a rhythmic structure. Done badly it feels like being slapped but the techniques of cupping, hacking and chopping can be invigorating and a nice way to bring the treatment to a close.
Treatment pricing
60 minute treatment £75.00
90 minute treatment £100.00